Monday, July 21, 2008

It's Yarn: Nameology

Drumroll please...

I have finally finished Nameology, my Very First Handspun.

After the singles, (see previous posts) I plied.

I made my lazy kate into a tensioned lazy kate with the creative use of a paper clip and some gorilla glue. I put both singles onto separate bobbins and plied away.

Plying Nameology

Plying Nameology

(my house isn't really this messy, we've just been cleaning out both of our offices, post on that once our new office is presentable)

Plying Nameology

I ended up with a very full spindle of two ply.


Isn't it just gorgeous! This picture is probably the truest color.

Then I made use of our dining room chair, since I don't have a niddy noddy.


After a resting overnight, I gave it a quick bath in the morning. Then some good whacks against the tub (yarn's version of a shiatsu massage) and hang up to dry.


It's even balanced enough to hang in an open loop! The strands that are out of place here are because it wasn't hung properly.

The end result:


About 26 yards of a very bulky thick and thin yarn.

It won't grow up to be anything. Its sole purpose is to hang out in a vase in the living room, and be pretty.

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